
Telegraph's Peter Foster blogs on Sri Lanka

"Don't hold your breath for Sri Lanka" (Telegraph Blogs, Peter Foster, 21 Oct 06 13:31) "It is very hard to see where the break-through is going to come from at the moment. The gulf between the two sides is just too large. I found myself in a heated conversation last night with some Sri Lankan friends who accused me, and the 'foreign media' of exaggerating the attack on Galle. It was 'just a skirmish' said one of those friends, why make it into a 'war'. ... Sri Lanka's situation is often compare with Northern Ireland's, but it seems from my interviews here that both side are nowhere clear to making the kind of leap of faith that brought the IRA into the political sphere. ..."


At 6:36 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boa noite canadense. Aqui tá um pouco frio nesta noite de sábado e resolvi dá umas voltinhas em volta do planeta pela blogosfera e deparei-me com seu blog que imagino ser muito inteligente e pertinente, uma pena eu não saber ler em inglês. Good nite.


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